How is your user base segmented? What are their motives for using your media? How long will your users, readers, viewers or listeners stay engaged? These are questions that can be answered using a variety of methods.
What effects does your media presence have? What are the reactions to your medium? The effects on people or the consequences for society and its areas can be researched, e.g. politics or economy.
Surveys are an effective tool to generate information for your management. They enable you to improve or adjust your business orientation or your product range.
Would you like to have your interests represented or help shape decisions and developments in your favor? I offer the skills necessary to represent you in industry associations and research committees.
After studying journalism with a focus on empirical communication research
at the Free University of Berlin, working as a research assistant at the market research institute forsa and in the media research department of RTL,
I switched to program research at ProSieben in Unterföhring in the Greater Munich area. I soon took on new responsibilities within the group as the
manager of Research New Media, which encompassed all media research activities for online and teletext of the ProSieben, SAT.1, kabel eins and N24 networks.
Before leaving ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, I also represented the group in various media research committees, such as the Working Group Online Research (agof),
the Working Group Media Analysis (agma) or the AGF Video Research. I was also able to share my experiences in industry associations such as VAUNET - Association
of Private Media or the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW).
As "Elected Market Researcher" for the Internet media genre, I was a member of agma's Technical Commission
(German only) until the end of 2022 and worked on agof's Technical Commission/
I am enrolled as a "market researcher BVM" in the register of qualified researcher of the Professional Association of German Market and Social Researcher (BVM)
and thus commit myself to compliance with quality standards, professional rules and data protection.
I can support you in all areas of market and media research. Regardless of whether you want to do a traditional survey by phone (CATI)
or face-to-face (F2F) or you are interested in an online survey (CAWI), I can offer you competent and well-founded advice in all these areas. Through my
previous work, I have contacts within established institutions and with technical partners that cover all areas of research.
However, I don't only provide you with contacts. I will also work with you to develop the necessary and effective tools to answer your questions and requirements,
and provide you with a simple and understandable presentation of the results and recommendations. Spanning several methods and forms of media my portfolio includes,
among others, the design of the questionnaire, the device-independent programming and the technical implementation of your online survey.
Feel free to contact me via email: info[at]
or on social-media: